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Famous Masons

Throughout history some members of the fraternity have made no secret of their involvement, while others have not made their membership public. In some cases, membership can only be proven by searching through the fraternity's records. Such records are most often kept at the individual lodge level, and may be lost due to fire, flood, deterioration, or simple carelessness. Grand Lodge governance may have shifted or reorganized, resulting in further loss of records on the member or the name, number, location or even existence of the lodge in question. In areas of the world where Masonry has been suppressed by governments, records of entire grand lodges have been destroyed. Because of this, masonic membership can sometimes be difficult to verify.


List of Freemasons (A–D)

List of Freemasons (E–Z)



Annie Besant

Annie Besant



Alexandra David-Neel

Alexandra David-Neel

Josephine Baker

Josephine Baker

Amadeus Mozart

Amadeus Mozart

Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison

Winston Churchhill

Winston Churchhill

Louise Michel

Louise Michel

Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo

Marquis de Lafayette

Marquis de Lafayette

Simon Bolivar

Simon Bolivar

Mark Twain

Mark Twain

Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Henry Ford

Henry Ford

Buzz Aldrin

Buzz Aldrin

Bernardo O'Higgins

Bernardo O'Higgins

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